Book Review
Counselor's Choice Award® reviews products and services intended to serve as tools in the mental health field.
These services can include:
- Therapy books
- Self-Help books
- Parenting books
- Therapy workbooks
- Therapy toys
- Therapy games
- Phone apps or daily readings
- Meditation apps
- Group therapy curriculum and handouts
- School based handouts and interventions
- Teacher's emotion and therapeutic handouts
- and more!
We are set the standard for products and services that have research scientific evidence for their effectiveness. The award was founded in the Northwest United States and each award is given after licensed mental health therapists and/or psychologists have evaluated peer-reviewed scientific journals to ensure each product is safe and effective if used as intended.
Counselor's Choice Award®
Reviewed by Licensed Mental Health Therapists
Begin the application process
To begin the process of a product review:
Fill out the form online here or
Click Apply Now at the top of the screen to download the application from our website then email it to LeoDeBroeck@counselorschoiceaward.comAlso please consider making a donation to our mission as well. Donations information is not shared with reviewers.