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2.5 Clock Hours Home Study Recorded Video

2.5 clock hour Continuing Education Credits are provided as a recorded session if you pass the post-test following the course video content. The certificate of completion will be emailed to you within 10 minutes after passing the post-test.

Content Areas:

Counseling Theory/Practice and the Counseling Relationship

Human Growth and Development

Social and Cultural Foundations


As behavioral health clinicians, we have an obligation to not only meet our clients where they are at but also advance our areas of competency when we are presented with client needs beyond our existing comfort zones or areas of expertise.  Far too often, LGBTQIA+ clients are referred out to other providers by very well-intentioned clinicians who question whether they have the skill set needed to effectively treat the presenting concerns of LGBTQIA+ individuals.  Let me tell you a little secret…YOU have the capacity to be an informed, affirming, AND effective clinician for your LGBTQIA+ clients.  It may take some assistance from others to help you advance your clinical skills and increase your comfort, but you CAN do this important work.  And, frankly, this community needs more clinicians who are willing to expand their practice with LGBTQIA+ individuals of all ages.  With the behavioral health needs for LGBTQIA+ individuals at an all-time high and access to affirming and safe providers being a top priority for this community, I’m excited to offer this 3-part training series for behavioral health clinicians.   Please join us on this adventure into allyship and join the ranks of clinicians all over the country who are taking these essential steps in developing core competencies for clinical work with LGBTQIA+ individuals. 

Module 3: Supporting Families and Caregivers
Description: As clinicians, we know that it is essential for queer youth to experience support from their families because it can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being. Unfortunately, queer youth often face social stigma, discrimination, and isolation, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other behavioral health issues. Having a supportive family can help to mitigate some of these negative effects by providing a safe and accepting environment where queer youth can be themselves without fear of rejection or judgment. Additionally, family support can help to increase academic and career success for queer youth. In fact, studies have shown that family acceptance is associated with higher levels of self-esteem, better grades, and increased likelihood of completing higher education.  Clinicians are often a pivotal component in helping families increase their support for their LGBTQIA+ child.  By engaging collaboratively with families, clinicians can promote open communication, strengthen family bonds, and foster empathy and understanding in family systems. Clinicians can also help to break down stereotypes and reduce prejudice and discrimination.

Join behavioral health expert and DEI consultant Chris McLaughlin, MSW, LCSW as he provides best practice tools, tips, and techniques to help clinicians become more intentional in supporting families in caring for their LGBTQIA+ child.

Learning Objectives:

Bring awareness of the risk factors associated with LGBTQIA+ youth

Outline best practice clinical approaches for the behavior health treatment of LGBTQIA+ youth

Review concepts of Trauma-Informed Care and Grief and Loss theories

Provide overview of family rejection vs. family acceptance

Apply Trauma-Focused CBT principles in clinical work with families of LGBTQIA+ youth

Introduce strategies to enhance family acceptance and reduce stigma

Familiarize on concepts of affirming school environments

Describe ethical issues that might arise when working with LGBTQIA+ youth and families

Educate on the concepts of Queer Joy and Gender Euphoria

Other Course Information:

Partial credit/partial attendance is not allowed for this course.

If you have any questions about this course or would like to request accommodations, you can contact us.

If a participant or potential participant would like to express a concern about the or a continuing education program provided by, the individual may email Although we do not guarantee a particular outcome, we will consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions, and respond as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding a refund, you can view our policy page and legal notices found at the bottom of this webpage or you can contact us


Maine Clinical Social Worker License: LC6608

Chris McLaughlin, MSW, LCSW (he/him/his) is the Executive Director of the Maine Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and owner and lead consultant of Inspired Consulting Group, LLC. A lifelong resident of Maine, he obtained both his BA in Psychology (1996) and his MSW (2001) from the University of Maine. Chris has spent more than 25 years as a provider and a leader in behavioral health services for youth and families across a variety of clinical settings, including treatment foster care, residential treatment facilities, public schools, private practice, community-based programs, and psychiatric hospital-based services. Chris has a passion for teaching and is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine and Husson University in Bangor.  He served for five years on the Maine Board of Social Work Licensing and is a member of both the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care (SSWLHC), where he served as the Maine Chapter President and as a member of the National Board of Directors for three years. A lifelong learner in leadership, coaching, and mentoring, he is a graduate of the Disney Institute leadership program and the Daniel Hanley Health Leadership Development program in Maine. Chris is on the Faculty for the SSWLHC's Leadership Development Institute and holds two certifications in Diversity and Inclusion and Building a Diverse Workforce from Cornell University. Nationally, Chris was the SSWLHC’s 2019 recipient of the Eleanor Clark Award for Innovative Programs in Patient Care for his work in youth suicide prevention. In Maine, Chris was recognized in 2019 for his advocacy and commitment to LGBTQ+ youth and was named Health Care Social Worker of the Year in 2019 by the Maine Hospital Association and the Maine Chapter of the SSWLHC for his leadership role on the award-winning “Acadia CARES” youth suicide prevention curriculum. In spring of 2020, Chris was named the University of Maine School of Social Work's Alumni of the Year. In 2022, Chris was elected to serve on his local School Committee. The Maine Education Association (MEA) honored Chris in May of 2023 as the first ever recipient of the "Friend of Education" award which recognizes an individual in elected office for their commitment and advocacy for public education. Chris and his husband live in Hermon, Maine with their three dogs, Anna, Becky, Sawyer and are avid fans of many types of recreation and leisure during all of Maine’s seasons.
Contact Information:

Chris McLaughlin head shot 2023.jpg



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Counselor’s Choice Award has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education
Provider, ACEP No. 7344. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified.
Counselor’s Choice Award is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


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Counselor's Choice Award Continuing Education is an National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Washington State Chapter Approved Continuing Education Provider and offers approved clock hours for events that meet Washington State CE Counselors requirements. This workshop has been approved for CEs by the Washington Chapter, National Association of Social Workers (NASW) for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists and Licensed Mental Health Counselors.  The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. (Provider #1975-490)


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Counselor's Choice Award Continuing Education is an Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) and offers OSBLADC-approved clock hours for events that meet Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. (Provider #20230154)

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Provider Contact Information

Phone: +1 (425) 931-5336

Mail: 3516 NE 75th St #8, Seattle, Washington, 98115, USA

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