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2.0 CE The Ethics of Duty to Warn

  • 5 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


2.0 clock hour Continuing Education Credits are provided as a recorded home-study session. Full Course Details: Imagine you’re a therapist and a client confides in you that they wish someone was dead. As a professional, it’s your duty to navigate this delicate situation with both ethical and legal considerations in mind. In this workshop, Diane Bigler, LCSW, we’ll delve into the challenging task of determining the best course of action when clients make threats towards others. She’ll explore the history of laws surrounding the therapist’s “duty to warn” and examine the Tarasoff Rule in depth. Through real-life case studies, she’ll illustrate the various situations therapists may encounter when dealing with clients who express threats, violence, or harm to others. By the end of this workshop, you’ll be equipped with concrete, ethical practices to handle these difficult dilemmas with confidence. Objectives include: 1) Identify relevant state law and professional ethics regarding duty to warn responsibilities. 2) Discover methods of assessing and intervening with potential duty to warn concerns and client potential for violence. 3) Demonstrate increased confidence in mitigating client violence and following ethical and legal mandates regarding duty to warn.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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