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4.5 CE Using Stories and Children's Therapy Books

  • 5 Steps
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4.5 clock hour Continuing Education Credits are provided as a recorded home study session. See Full Course Details and Accreditations: This course will review information on using therapy books in clinical practice with families, youths, and children. Further, research and clinical experience on using written stories and therapy books will be reviewed. Skills are practiced on how to teach caregivers to use therapy books and “family story time” to process adverse stressors in an engaging and meaningful way. Considerations are given to different formats such telehealth or in-person work. Areas of focus will include the “Do and Don’t” of using therapy books, how to teach caregivers to use therapy books with their families, understanding risks, and going through a piece of example sessions using a therapy book with a child in three different one-on-one sessions. Books on caregiver addiction, grief, and building self-confidence are used as the examples. Clinical interventions and strategies for using written stories are discussed. Some further Objectives are: • Objective 1) Learner will be able to identify one thing to avoid with clients when using stories and therapy books. • Objective 2) Learner will be able to identify one way research has found using stories and therapy books can be helpful to clients. Questions? +1 (425) 931-5336

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