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1.0CE Psychotherapy: Treatment of Eating Disorders

  • 5 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


1.0 clock hour Continuing Education Credits are provided as a recorded home-study session. Full Course Details: Psychotherapy is one of the key several stages necessary for the process of treating eating disorders (ED) patients. There are numerous skills required from clinicians in order for psychotherapy to be effective. Regardless of the type of psychotherapy among those, significant skills are motivation and psychoeducation. In addition, among the specific cognitions for ED treatment, a crucial role plays the psychotherapy for body image. To be effective, motivational enhancement must address themes related to: potential and willingness to change, advantages and disadvantages to behavior, psychoeducation, body image. Objectives include: • How address relationship between body image and ED • How use the "miracle question" related to ED • How to identify personal resources with your client • How use psychoeducation that applies to your client

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